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User Signup


signup API executes the signup process in Conio services. It allows client to create a new user and setting up a valid user session with passed username, password and crypto signature request.


The SignupParams used to initialize and perform signup API.

  • credentials: the username and password used to execute the signup
  • acceptances: the legal acceptances list accepted or not by the user during the signup
  • crypto request: the crypto signature used to validate the signup


Success or error.



let username: String = ...
let password: String = ...
let cryptoRequest = SignupParams
        proofId: ...,
        cryptoProof: ...,
        proofExpiration: Timestamp(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 + (30 * 60 * 1000)),
        username: username.,
        userLevel: ...,
        iban: ...,
        email: ...,
        firstName: ...,
        lastName: ...
let acceptences = [
    SignupParams.LegalAcceptance.makeAccepted(type: .clientSupport),
    SignupParams.LegalAcceptance.makeAccepted(type: .appImprovement)
let params = SignupParams
        username: usernamem
        password: password:
        acceptances: acceptances,
        cryptoRequest: cryptoRequest

    .signup(with: params)
    .sink { result in
        // ...


val username: String = "..." // user unique identifier

val credentials = Credentials(
    username = username,
    password = "..."

val signupCryptoRequest = SignupCryptoRequest(
    cryptoProof = "...",
    proofId = "...",
    username = username,
    userLevel = "...",
    expiration = Date().time + (30 * 60 * 1000), // [example] 30 minutes from now
    iban = "...",
    email = "...",
    firstName = "...",
    lastName = "...",

val acceptances = listOf(
    Acceptance(AcceptanceType.AppImprovement, isAccepted = true),
    Acceptance(AcceptanceType.ClientSupport, isAccepted = true),

val signupParams = SignupParams(
  credentials = credentials,
  acceptances = acceptances,
  cryptoRequest = signupCryptoRequest

    .collect { result ->
        // ...