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Fetch Historical Prices


fetchHistoricalPrices API is used to retrieve information about a specific cryptocurrency past time interval price value. It allows client to specify the cryptocurrency, the time frame and the time interval to fetch the cryptocurrency historical price points, analytics and time interval.


The FetchHistoricalPricesParams used to initialized and perform fetchHistoricalPrices API.

  • crypto id: the cryptocurrency identifier used to retrieve the specific cryptocurrency historical price data
  • time frame: the time frame in the past used to retrieve the specific cryptocurrency historical price data
  • price interval: the price time interval used to retrieve the specific cryptocurrency historical price data


The HistoricalPricesResult data with cryptocurrency historical prices values.

  • cryptocurrency: the Wallet Cryptocurrency
  • price points: the cryptocurrency historical price points
  • price analytics: the cryptocurrency historical analytics
  • interval: the cryptocurrency time interval



let params = FetchHistoricalPricesParams
        cryptoId: ...,
        timeFrame: .makeUsingLastDay(),
        priceInterval: .fifteenMinutes

    .fetchHistoricalPrices(with: params)
    .sink { result in
        // ...
